Source code for pyimzml.ontology.ontology

from datetime import datetime
from warnings import warn

from .uo import terms as uo_terms
from .ms import terms as ms_terms
from .ims import terms as ims_terms

all_terms = {}

    'xsd:string': str,
    'xsd:anyURI': str,
    'xsd:float': float,
    'xsd:double': float,
    'xsd:decimal': float,
    'xsd:nonNegativeFloat': float,
    'xsd:int': int,
    'xsd:integer': int,
    'xsd:positiveInteger': int,
    'xsd:nonNegativeInteger': int,
    'xsd:boolean': bool,
    'xsd:dateTime': datetime,

    # Normally cvParam names will be updated to match the accession, but there are some
    # known cases where exporters use the correct name and incorrect accession. This is a mapping
    # of the known cases where the accession should be fixed, instead of the name.
    # (erroneous accession, name) -> fixed accession
    # Spectrum data types:
    ('MS:1000523', '32-bit float'): 'MS:1000521',
    ('MS:1000521', '64-bit float'): 'MS:1000523',
    # Polarity
    ('MS:1000128', 'positive scan'): 'MS:1000130'

[docs]def convert_xml_value(dtype, value): try: if dtype is not None: return DTYPE_MAPPING[dtype](value) elif value is None or value == '': # Many cv_params are flags and have either a None or empty-string value. # Replace their value with True in these cases, so their existance isn't so ambiguous. return True else: return value except KeyError: return value except ValueError: return None
[docs]def convert_term_name(accession): return all_terms.get(accession, (accession, None))[0]
[docs]def convert_cv_param(accession, value): """ Looks up a term by accession number, and convert the provided value to the expected type. """ name, dtype = all_terms.get(accession, (accession, None)) converted_value = convert_xml_value(dtype, value) return converted_value
[docs]def lookup_and_convert_cv_param(accession, raw_name, value, unit_accession=None): """ Looks up a term by accession number, and returns the term name, its value converted into the expected datatype, and the unit name (if a unit accession number is also given). """ name, dtype = all_terms.get(accession, (raw_name or accession, None)) converted_value = convert_xml_value(dtype, value) unit_name = all_terms.get(unit_accession, (unit_accession, None))[0] if accession not in all_terms: warn('Unrecognized accession in <cvParam>: %s (name: "%s").' % (accession, raw_name)) elif name != raw_name: fixed_accession = ACCESSION_FIX_MAPPING.get((accession, raw_name)) if fixed_accession is not None: warn( 'Accession %s ("%s") found with mismatched name "%s". ' 'This is a known bug with some imzML conversion software - using accession ' '%s ("%s") instead.' % (accession, name, raw_name, fixed_accession, raw_name) ) accession = fixed_accession name = raw_name else: warn( 'Accession %s found with incorrect name "%s". Updating name to "%s".' % (accession, raw_name, name) ) return accession, name, converted_value, unit_name